Discover What We Do at Sarman Farms
At Sarman Farms, our goal is to create a holistic and sustainable approach to farming that optimizes resource use, promotes environmental stewardship, and enhances overall productivity. We implement energy-efficient practices on the farm while exploring and integrating renewable energy sources, such as solar and biogas.
Core Units
Sarman Farms utilizes a combination of scientific knowledge,
practical skills, and careful management to ensure successful and sustainable farming
practices. We maintain continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies and
methods that are essential for modern, efficient, and sustainable crop cultivation in
each of the locations we operate.
The core component of our integrated poultry farming is the production of poultry for meat (broilers) and eggs (layers) through raising our chickens in environmentally controlled housing systems, providing appropriate nutrition, managing health and disease, and implementing efficient production practices.

Sarman Farms has created a symbiotic relationship between crops and animals, promoting
sustainability, optimizing resource use, and improving overall farm productivity. Our
livestock farm at Yan Garki Village demonstrates strategic integration of animals into the
overall farming system to enhance sustainability, efficiency, and productivity.
Sarman Farms produces Tilapia and Catfish with in-house fish hatchery for catfish Fingerlings production table size catfish in addition to facilities for smoking and drying. The farm benefits from diversified income streams, enhanced nutrient cycling, and increased overall farm sustainability. We ensure synergies between aquaculture and other farming components.
Our Approach
We have integrated our trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes to create mutually beneficial interactions. We created a dynamic and resilient agricultural system that benefits the environment, enhances productivity, and provides a range of products. We champion regenerative agriculture for sustainable agricultural production and food security.
Sarman Farms optimize resource use through data driven decision we utilize technology and data to optimize various aspects of crop production. The goal is to enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability by precisely tailoring farming practices to specific conditions within the area of our operation.
Sarman Integrated Farms and Solutions Limited has championed Farm-to-table initiatives that emphasize a direct and transparent supply chain between local farmers and consumers. The goal is to bring fresh, locally produced food directly from the farm to the consumer's table, minimizing the distance and intermediaries involved in the food production and distribution process.
Sarman Farms conducts training programs and workshops for farmers on sustainable farming techniques. We offer educational resources and extension services to local communities on sustainable farming practices. We collaborate with agricultural research institutions and universities to contribute to advancements in the field of agriculture and engage research institutes to develop and test new farming techniques and technologies.